The Annual Awards Banquet will be Thursday,
September 26th at the Festival House in Timberlake, Person
you have not RSVP'd, please do so ASAP
4th Annual Night Out
Each year Bunn's National Night Out continues
to grow.
This year, Bunn had face painting in the new
park, Bunn Baptist Church and police department gave away
over 100 bookbags filled with school supplies, the HP and
FCSO were also on site with Bunn Fire Department. Bunn had a
great turn out!
announces availability of funds to support disaster-impacted
EDA recently announced the availability of
funding under the Economic Adjustment Assistance Program to
help communities and regions implement projects that can
advance economic recovery and resiliency.
To be eligible, communities must be in an area
where a Presidential disaster declaration was made as a
result of Hurricanes Florence, Michael and other named events
during 2018 and must propose a project that advances economic
resiliency and supports disaster recovery.
Under this authority, EDA will make grant
awards for projects that help disaster-impacted communities
advance resilience projects. As stated in the
Notice of Funding Opportunity, “resilience is the ability of
a community or region to anticipate, withstand, and bounce
back from various disruptions to its economic
base. Under this definition, resilience is
multi-dimensional and is aimed not only at addressing
immediate needs, but helping communities better prepare for
and withstand future shocks. Some examples of resilience
include efforts to broaden the industrial base with
diversification initiatives, enhance business retention and
expansion programs to strengthen existing high-growth sectors
and industries, development and construction of
high-performance and resilient infrastructure and buildings
(e.g., broadband, energy, flexible and natural
infrastructure, safe development practices, business
incubators) to mitigate future risk and vulnerability, and
comprehensive planning efforts that involve extensive
engagement from the community to define and implement a
collective vision for economic recovery. The deployment
and adoption of new technologies play vital roles in
strengthening economic resilience: deploying technologies
enables resilience in the face of natural disasters, and
nurturing technology ecosystems support dynamic, diverse
economies that better withstand acute disruptions.”
EDA will support both construction and
non-construction projects through this funding
opportunity. Construction projects must be publicly
owned, and the construction must occur in an eligible
disaster area. All projects must have Matching Share
funds available, committed, and unencumbered at the time of
application. EDA generally expects to award up to 80
percent of eligible costs. Applicants must submit a
disaster nexus that details the impact of the qualifying
storm, and must detail the nexus between the proposed project
scope of work and disaster recovery and resiliency efforts. Further,
proposed projects must align with the regional Comprehensive
Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
EDA invites all eligible applicants to apply
for funding. All funding will be competitively awarded,
based on the evaluation criteria outlined in the Notice of
Funding Opportunity, which includes but is not limited to the
strength of the disaster nexus, the extent to which the
project is responsive to the needs of communities impacted by
the relevant disasters regarding disaster relief, the project’s
feasibility, the alignment with the CEDS, the significance of
the impact upon the region from the relevant disaster, the
project’s ability to support job creation and promote private
investment in the area, and applicant organizational
For full information on this grant
opportunity, please see https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=319126. Applicants should submit their
application materials via Grants.gov. EDA provides staff
to ensure all interested parties clearly understand all
application and submission requirements. To discuss this
opportunity further or seek clarification on submission,
please contact Hillary Sherman at hsherman@eda.gov or 404-730-3013.
The N.C. Department of Transportation needs
volunteers to help clean up trash along roads during the
Adopt-A-Highway Fall Litter Sweep from Sept. 14-28.
Each April and September, NCDOT asks
volunteers to help remove litter from roadsides. Volunteers
from local businesses, schools, non-profits, churches and
community groups play an important role in keeping North
Carolina’s roads clean. The Kerr-Tar regional benefits from
this bi-annual event, with many of our local governments
Accepting Applications for Projects
be Funded by VW Settlement
N.C. Department of
Environmental Quality The Division of Air Quality has
released applications for two RFPs for projects that achieve
significant reductions in emissions.
the Diesel Bus and Vehicle Program:
million will be available
will be allocated for school bus replacement
can be submitted by local, state and tribal governments,
public or nonprofit organizations or eligible public-private
the DC Fast Charge program:
million will be available for the installation of Zero
Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Charging Infrastructure
in designated corridors will receive priority to expand the
state’s charging infrastructure network
can be submitted by eligible businesses, incorporated
nonprofits, and state, local, tribal or municipal government
Interested applicants can find the
applications, RFPs and additional program information at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/motor-vehicles-and-air-quality/volkswagen-settlement. The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm ET on September 30, 2019.
Tentative TCC/TAC Meeting Dates
Meetings are held from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the
Kerr-Tar COG Offices located at 1724 Graham Avenue in
· January
2019 - No Meeting Scheduled
· April 25, 2019 CANCELLED
· July
- No Meeting Scheduled
· September 26, 2019 CANCELLED
· October 24, 2109 CANCELLED
· November
2019 - No Meeting Scheduled
· December
2019 - No Meeting Scheduled
The KTRPO TAC and TCC met on Thursday, August
29, 2019, from 3:00-5:00pm at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council
of Governments office in Henderson. KTRPO staff presented
both Committees with updates on the following items: the
NCARPO quarterly meeting; 2019 Sustainable Fleet Technology
Conference and Expo; the SPOT P6.0 process; the draft 2029
STIP; three (3) bridge replacements projects in the region;
and North Carolina Volkswagen Settlement Funding. The
KTRPO TAC and TCC will not meet again until the new year.
Should a meeting need to be held, members will be
KTRPO met with NCDOT staff from the Aviation
and Rail Divisions in Raleigh last month to discuss project
submittals for the next round of transportation funding and
scoring, Prioritization 6.0. Members of the Prioritization
6.0 Subcommittee have been identified and meetings will be
scheduled during the months of September and/or October.
The Planning Dept. is pleased to announce it
will receive a 2019 NADO Impact Award in October at the
organization’s Annual Training Conference in Reno. This award
recognizes the launch of the region’s Visit NC Farms Mobile
App. The mobile app was launched on July 1 and highlights of
region’s farms, farmers markets, farm stays, and various
other agritourism activities. The NADO Impact Awards honor
NADO members for their creative approaches to advancing
regional community and economic development and improved
quality of life.
Development Block Grant Water Infrastructure Funding
The Planning Department is assisting the Town
of Louisburg apply for funding through the Division of Water
Infrastructure located within the NC Department of
Environmental Quality. The
Division provides low-interest loans and grants for local
governments for water infrastructure improvement projects.
Please contact the Planning Department if your community is
interested in applying for funding. For more details, please
NC Transportation Summit
North Carolina’s 2nd annual Transportation Summit
will be held January 8-9 at the Raleigh Convention Center.
This year’s summit will provide attendees with insight and
guidance on the future of mobility, discover the latest in
transportation funding and new technologies. Your attendance
helps ensure that North Carolina's
transportation industry is keeping up with the state's
needs. Please visit www.nctransportationsummit.com for further registration details.
supports Opportunity Zones
EDA has taken a significant step to support
the Opportunity Zone program by creating a new category of
“special need” for designated Opportunity Zones in its
funding notices. This designation means that certain areas
that would otherwise fail to meet EDA’s economic distress
criteria may now be eligible for EDA grants.
Additionally, EDA has designated Opportunity
Zones as a new Investment Priority, meaning that it
represents a critical focus for the agency.
So, how could this work? EDA funds could
support critical public infrastructure that would catalyze
the investments Opportunity Funds are providing in designated
opportunity zones. EDA funds can support public
infrastructure like water, sewer, access roads, utilities
(for electricities), incubators, workforce training centers,
port improvement, airport improvements, etc. that will
catalyze private-sector jobs in designated Opportunity Zones.
EDA has created an Opportunity Zone
resource to highlight examples of investments the Agency has
made to help attract investment and stimulate job creation in
designated Opportunity Zones. To learn more, please go
to https://eda.gov/opportunity-zones/.
To learn more or to discuss projects in your
area, please contact Hillary Sherman at 404.730.3013 or hsherman@eda.gov.
On Aug. 8, 2019, members of the N.C. Board of
Transportation unanimously adopted a resolution in support of
implementing amendments to the Department’s Complete Streets
Policy. The policy directs transportation engineers and
planners to take into account and incorporate multiple types
of transportation into road projects, where feasible. NCDOT
is also providing an Implementation Guide supporting the
Complete Streets Policy. The Guide provides
comprehensive guidance for incorporating a complete streets
approach into NCDOT’s planning, programming, design, and
maintenance processes. More information of the policy may be
obtained via: https://www.ncdot.gov/divisions/bike-ped/Pages/complete-streets.aspx
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The Warrenton Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Steering Committee will meet on September 24th at the Rural Fire Department
in downtown Warrenton. During this meeting the steering
committee will review feedback from the latest public
workshop, held on July 16th, and recommendations included in the
draft plan compiled by the consulting firm VHB. The draft is
expected to be presented at the September meeting of the
Warrenton Town Board for adoption.
Opportunities for Virtual Dementia Tour
On Friday, September 13th, the
Kerr-Tar AAA will conduct the Virtual Dementia Tour from 9:30
A.M-3:00 P.M at Sarepta Baptist Church, located at 295 Gillis
Alson Rd, Warrenton, NC 27589. The Virtual Dementia Tour is a
sensitivity training that allows individuals to see what it
might be like to live with dementia. Caregivers, community
organizations, business leaders and others are encouraged to
attend. Space is LIMITED. If you are interested in taking the
tour, please contact Sarepta Baptist Church at (252) 257-9200
to sign up!
On Friday, September 27th, the
Virtual Dementia Tour will take place from 1:00 P.M. –
4:00 P.M. at Person County Senior Center, located at 87
Semora Rd, Roxboro, NC 27573. If you are interested in taking
the tour, please contact Lynn Jones at
599-7484 to sign up!
The Virtual Dementia Tour is a sensitivity
training that allows individuals to see what it might be like
to live with dementia. Caregivers, community organizations,
business leaders and others are encouraged to attend. Space
an emergency, every second counts.
Kerr-Tar Regional AAA is launching the File of
Life project in partnership with local emergency responders
and our senior centers. File of Life is an information card
in a red, magnetized sleeve that is placed on the person’s
refrigerator so that emergency responders have all essential
information immediately available should the person need
experience a health crisis. The program already exists in
over 5,000 communities in the US, and is supported by AARPand
the Red Cross. Our launch is starting in Franklin and Warren
counties and will move to the other three counties within the
next two months.
The File of Life Program
Medical emergencies can happen anytime. When
they do, there is confusion, panic and urgency. Paramedics
arrive on the scene with no information about the person in
need. Seconds count – they can make the difference between
life and death. Does the patient have prior medical
conditions? Allergies? What medications are they taking? Who
do they want us to call? How do we contact their family or
friends? File of Life puts these answers at their fingertips.
It allows first responders to immediately begin the best
possible treatment, notify loved ones, and pass this vital
data on to awaiting physicians at the emergency room. File of
Life has already saved thousands of lives. It is an absolute
asset to emergency preparedness, and peace of mind, for every
household and community across the nation.
Since 1995, more than 5,000 communities across
the United States have implemented a File of Life program.
Our product is in 18 million homes nationwide with 900,000
being distributed last year alone. Within 24 years, we have
gained the support of national and state civic organizations
such as the American Red Cross, the National Council on Aging
(N.C.O.A.) and AARP. The File of Life products have appeared
prolifically in local press as well as major media outlets
including NBC Nightly News.
The local File of Life project is sponsored by
the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging, in partnership with local
senior centers, emergency responders, businesses and faith
based organizations. File of Life refrigerator magnet sleeves
and personal size sleeves for your wallet, purse or glove box
are available through the these local organizations or the
Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging.
Limited sponsorships are available to local
organizations who would like their business name on the front
of the information card. Contact the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on
Aging Director, phone 252 436 2040 ext 2047.
Seniqua Turner received her Associate Degree
in Early Childhood from VGCC in May 2019 while participating
in the NCWorks Next Gen program. When Seniqua first enrolled
in the program in 2014, she needed financial assistance for
education, she also was basic skills deficient in reading.
Within the first year of the program, she was able to
increase her reading level. Seniqua has attended the North
Carolina Youth Summits throughout her years of being a WIOA
NCWorks NextGen participant and has been able to develop
leadership skills and connect with other youth from across
the state. Seniqua has participated in work experience
opportunities with the Vance Co Boys & Girls Club, and
Vance-Granville Community College. Seniqua continues to
strive to advance in her education and has been accepted into
the North Carolina Central University Eagle Voyage Program to
obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development and Family
Relations. She started classes at North Carolina Central
University in August 2019 for the fall semester. Let’s all
congratulate Seniqua on these accomplishments and
wish her well with her future endeavors with much
Heather Gwin is currently attending Vance-Granville
Community and has an expected graduation date of May, 2020.
Heather will graduate with an associate degree in arts and an
associate degree in science. Heather currently has a 3.5 GPA.
Heather was referred to the WIOA office at Vance-Granville
Community by one of her instructors to inquire about the FLG.
Heather immediately contacted the WIOA office and applied for
the finish line grant to assist with her emergency need.
Heather originally applied for medical
assistance and later needed car repairs which became a
priority for her. Heather needed her car repaired for
transportation to and from school, and also to doctor’s
appointments. Heather was able to get all her car repairs
done through the FLG.
Heather is very appreciative of the assistance
she received from the staff at VGCC and NCWorks Career
Center. She states that she would recommend any student with
a crisis of emergency need to apply for the FLG.
Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC)
welcomed a member of Governor Roy Cooper’s cabinet,
Department of Administration Secretary Machelle Sanders, to
the college’s Main Campus on July 18. During her visit,
Secretary Sanders discussed the recently-released “Status of
Women in North Carolina Health & Wellness” report,
commissioned by the Council for Women & Youth
Involvement. The Council is a division of the Department of
Administration. While speaking with students, she also
discussed the Finish Line Grant program which helps community
college students complete their training when facing
unforeseen challenges. VGCC participates in the Finish Line
Grant through its partnership with the Kerr-Tar Workforce
Development Board. To read the full news article, visit
VGCC’s website at https://www.vgcc.edu/state-cabinet-secretary-visits-vgcc/.
Click here to see what's happening in the month of
September at the Oxford & Henderson Career Centers.
Are you having a
hard time landing a job and feel defeated or frustrated?
NCWorks Career Centers have staff that can help assist
you. If you need a little inspiration, read this success
story and how an individual who was living in a shelter and
trying to go to school has now gained employment. Click here for the entire story.
Regional Council of Governments aims to
regionalism that provides opportunities for
governments to enhance and improve the quality
life for our citizens through effective delivery of
and programs.
Kerr-Tar Regional
Council of Governments
Kerr-Tar Regional COG 1724 Graham AvenueHenderson, NC 27536 2524362040